Welcome to pyPreservica’s documentation
Release v2.8.2.
pyPreservica is an open source, python client for the Preservica APIs
pyPreservica is a 3rd party Python Software Development Kit (SDK) for the Preservica API, which allows Preservica users to write software that makes use of the Preservica repository services. This library provides classes for working with a range of the Preservica APIs.
This version of the documentation is for use against a Preservica 7.0-6.2 systems For Preservica 6.0 and 6.1 see the previous version
pyPreservica is an open source 3rd party library and is not affiliated with Preservica Ltd There is no support for use of the library by Preservica Ltd. For support see Support
- Why Should I Use This?
- SDK Features
- Background
- PIP Installation
- Get the Source Code
- Contributing
- Support
- Examples
- Authentication
- 2 Factor Authentication
- SSL Certificates
- Application Logging
- Entity API
- Fetching Entities (Assets, Folders & Content Objects)
- Fetching Children of Entities
- Creating new Folders
- Adding Physical Assets
- Updating Entities
- Security Tags
- 3rd Party External Identifiers
- Descriptive Metadata
- Relationships Between Entities
- Representations, Content Objects & Generations
- Integrity Check History
- Moving Entities
- Deleting Entities
- Finding Updated Entities
- Downloading Files
- Events on Specific Entities
- Events Across Entities
- Ingest Events
- Asset and Folder Thumbnail Images
- Replacing Content Objects
- Export OPEX Package
- Content API
- Upload API
- Uploading Packages
- Monitoring Upload Progress
- Creating Packages
- Creating Packages with Multiple Representations
- Custom Fixity Generation
- Bulk Package Creation
- Package Examples
- Ingest a single digital file as an asset, with a progress bar during upload, delete the package after upload has completed.
- Ingest a single digital file as an asset, with a custom asset Title and Description
- Ingest each jpeg file in a directory as an individual asset
- Ingest a single digital file as an asset with a 3rd party identifier and custom metadata
- Create a single Asset with 2 Representations (Preservation and Access) each Representation has 1 Content Object
- Create a package with 1 Asset 2 Representations (Preservation and Access) and multiple Content Objects (one for every image)
- Spreadsheet Metadata
- Ingest Web Video
- Ingest Twitter Feeds
- Crawl and ingest from a filesystem
- Workflow API
- Admin API
- Retention API
- Registry API
- Monitor API
- WebHook API
- Authority Records API
- Metadata Groups API
- Example Applications
- Developer Interface