Entity API
Making a call to the Preservica repository is very simple.
Begin by importing the pyPreservica module at the start of the Python script. You can import only the API you need or the whole library.
To import all the pyPreservica functionality use:
from pyPreservica import *
Now, let’s create the EntityAPI
client object, this can have any name, but lets call it
to keep things simple.
client = EntityAPI()
The client
object will manage the connection to the server and will be responsible for
creating the API authentication tokens as needed.
Fetching Entities (Assets, Folders & Content Objects)
The following Python code examples show how data model entities, (Assets, Folders & Content Objects) can be returned from Preservica using their internal Preservica identifiers.
The following shows how you can fetch an Asset by its reference and then print its attributes to the screen.
from pyPreservica import *
asset = client.asset("9bad5acf-e7a1-458a-927d-2d1e7f15974d")
We can also fetch the same attributes for both Folders
folder = client.folder("0b0f0303-6053-4d4e-a638-4f6b81768264")
and Content Objects
content_object = client.content_object("1a2a2101-6053-4d4e-a638-4f6b81768264")
Assets, Folders & Content Objects actually have a number of attributes in common, such as title
, description
Technically they are all objects of type Entity
We can fetch any of Assets, Folders and Content Objects using the entity type and the unique reference
asset = client.entity(EntityType.ASSET, "9bad5acf-e7a1-458a-927d-2d1e7f15974d")
folder = client.entity(EntityType.FOLDER, asset.parent)
To get a list of parent Folders of an Asset all the way to the root of the repository
asset = client.asset("9bad5acf-e7a1-458a-927d-2d1e7f15974d")
folder = client.folder(asset.parent)
while folder.parent is not None:
folder = client.folder(folder.parent)
Fetching Children of Entities
The immediate children of a Folder can also be retrieved using the library.
To get all the top level or root Folders use
for root_folder in client.descendants(None):
or you can leave the arguments empty:
for root_folder in client.descendants():
The descendants
method is a generator function.
The method behaves like an iterator, i.e. it can be used in a for loop, the advantage of this approach is that
the paging of results is taken care of automatically. If a Folder has many thousands of Assets then the method will
make multiple calls to the server. It will default to 100 items between server requests.
The performance improvement from the use of generators is the result of the lazy (on demand) generation of values, which translates to lower memory usage. Furthermore, you do not need to wait until all the children have been generated before you start to use them.
To get a set of the immediate children of a particular Folder use
for entity in client.descendants(folder.reference):
To get the siblings of an Asset you can use
for entity in client.descendants(asset.parent):
The set of entities returned may contain both Assets and other Folders.
Entities within the returned set only contain the attributes (type, reference and title). If you need the full object you have to request it from the server.
You can request the entity back without knowing exactly what type it is by using the entity()
To fetch the full object back you can use:
for f in client.descendants():
e = client.entity(f.entity_type, f.reference)
If you only need the Folders or Assets from a parent you can filter the results using a pre-defined filter.
For example the following will only return Asset objects and will ignore Folders:
for asset in filter(only_assets, client.descendants(asset.parent)):
To return only Folder objects use:
for folders in filter(only_folders, client.descendants(asset.parent)):
If you want all the entities below a point in the hierarchy, i.e a recursive list of all folders and Assets then you can
call all_descendants()
this is also generator function which returns a lazy iterator which will make
repeated calls to the server for each page of results.
The following will return all entities within the repository from the root folders down
for e in client.all_descendants():
The code above will fetch every Asset or Folder back from the system. This could take a long time depending on the size of the repository.
It may be more efficient to search using the ContentAPI
if you are looking for particular objects in the repository.
again if you need a list of every Asset in the system you can filter using
for asset in filter(only_assets, client.all_descendants()):
Creating new Folders
Folder objects can be created directly in the repository, the create_folder()
function takes 3
mandatory parameters, folder title, description and security tag.
new_folder = client.create_folder("title", "description", "open")
This will create a folder at the top level of the repository. You can create child folders by passing the reference of the parent as the last argument.
new_folder = client.create_folder("title", "description", "open", folder.reference)
assert new_folder.parent == folder.reference
Adding Physical Assets
Preservica supports the creation of intellectual entities which correspond to physical objects. These are similar to regular assets, but they do not point to digital files like regular assets.
To use Physical Assets the system needs a system property set to active the functionality, this can be done by the Preservica help desk.
parent = client.folder("9bad5acf-e7a1-458a-927d-2d1e7f15974d")
physical_asset = client.add_physical_asset("title", "description", parent, "open")
Physical assets support 3rd party identifiers, thumbnails and descriptive metadata in the same way as regular assets.
client.add_identifier(physical_asset, "ISBN", "978-3-16-148410-0")
client.add_thumbnail(physical_asset, "icon.png")
Updating Entities
We can update either the title or description attribute for Assets,
Folders and Content Objects using the save()
asset = client.asset("9bad5acf-e7a1-458a-927d-2d1e7f15974d")
asset.title = "New Asset Title"
asset.description = "New Asset Description"
asset = client.save(asset)
folder = client.folder("0b0f0303-6053-4d4e-a638-4f6b81768264")
folder.title = "New Folder Title"
folder.description = "New Folder Description"
folder = client.save(folder)
content_object = client.content_object("1a2a2101-6053-4d4e-a638-4f6b81768264")
content_object.title = "New Content Object Title"
content_object.description = "New Content Object Description"
content_object = client.save(content_object)
This method can also be used to set the Type of an asset or folder. By default Information objects have a type “Asset” and Structural objects have a type “Folder”. You can use the API to change these defaults for example you may want to use the type field to set the level of description of a Structural object to “Fonds” or “Series” etc.
To change the type use the custom_type attribute on the object, e.g.
folder = client.folder("9bad5acf-e7a1-458a-927d-2d1e7f15974d")
folder.custom_type = "Series"
folder = client.save(folder)
asset = client.asset("9bad5acf-e7a1-458a-927d-2d1e7f15974d")
asset.custom_type = "Manuscript"
asset = client.save(asset)
If you want to change the type back, just set the value to None
asset = client.asset("9bad5acf-e7a1-458a-927d-2d1e7f15974d")
asset.custom_type = None
asset = client.save(asset)
3rd Party External Identifiers
3rd party or external identifiers are a useful way to provide additional names or identities to objects to provide an alternate way of accessing them. For example if you are synchronising metadata between an external metadata catalogue and Preservica adding the catalogue identifiers to the Preservica objects allows the catalogue to query Preservica using its own ids.
Each Preservica entity can hold as many external identifiers as you need.
Adding, Updating and Deleting external identifiers is only available in version 6.1 and above
We can add external identifiers to either Assets, Folders or Content Objects. External identifiers have a name or type and a value. External identifiers do not have to be unique in the same way as internal identifiers. The same external identifiers can be added to multiple entities to form sets of objects.
asset = client.asset("9bad5acf-e7ce-458a-927d-2d1e7f15974d")
client.add_identifier(asset, "ISBN", "978-3-16-148410-0")
client.add_identifier(asset, "DOI", "https://doi.org/10.1109/5.771073")
client.add_identifier(asset, "URN", "urn:isan:0000-0000-2CEA-0000-1-0000-0000-Y")
Fetch external identifiers on an entity. This call returns a set of tuples (identifier_type, identifier_value)
identifiers = client.identifiers_for_entity(folder)
for identifier in identifiers:
identifier_type = identifier[0]
identifier_value = identifier[1]
You can search the repository for entities with matching external identifiers. The call returns a set of objects which may include any type of entity.
for e in client.identifier("ISBN", "978-3-16-148410-0"):
print(e.entity_type, e.reference, e.title)
Entities within the set only contain the attributes (type, reference and title). If you need the full object you have to request it.
For example
for ident in client.identifier("DOI", "urn:nbn:de:1111-20091210269"):
entity = client.entity(ident.entity_type, ident.reference)
To delete identifiers attached to an entity
Will delete all identifiers on the entity
client.delete_identifiers(entity, identifier_type="ISBN")
Will delete all identifiers which have type “ISBN”
client.delete_identifiers(entity, identifier_type="ISBN", identifier_value="978-3-16-148410-0")
Will only delete identifiers which match the type and value
Descriptive Metadata
You can query an entity to determine if it has any attached descriptive metadata using the metadata attribute. This returns a dictionary object the dictionary key is a url which can be used to the fetch metadata and the value is the schema name
for url, schema in entity.metadata.items():
print(url, schema)
The descriptive XML metadata document can be returned as a string by passing the key of the map (url)
to the metadata()
for url in entity.metadata:
xml_string = client.metadata(url)
An alternative is to call the metadata_for_entity
xml_string = client.metadata_for_entity(entity, "https://person.org/person")
this will fetch the first metadata document which matches the schema argument on the entity
If you need all the descriptive XML fragments attached to an Asset or Folder you can call all_metadata
this is a Generator which returns a Tuple containing the schema as the first item and the xml document in the second.
for metadata in client.all_metadata(entity):
schema = metadata[0]
xml_string = metadata[1]
Metadata can be attached to entities either by passing an XML document as a string
folder = entity.folder("723f6f27-c894-4ce0-8e58-4c15a526330e")
xml = "<person:Person xmlns:person='https://person.org/person'>" \
"<person:Name>Bob Smith</person:Name>" \
"<person:Phone>01234 100 100</person:Phone>" \
"<person:Email>test@test.com</person:Email>" \
"<person:Address>Abingdon, UK</person:Address>" \
folder = client.add_metadata(folder, "https://person.org/person", xml)
or by reading the metadata from a file
with open("DublinCore.xml", 'r', encoding="utf-8") as md:
asset = client.add_metadata(asset, "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", md)
Adding descriptive metadata may change the namespace prefix values, this does not change the meaning of the XML document as the prefix values are arbitrary labels. XML namespace prefixes themselves are arbitrary; it’s only through their binding to a full XML namespace name that they derive their significance.
If you want to preserve the namespace prefix you can add the following to the start of your Python scripts
xml.etree.ElementTree.register_namespace("person", "https://person.org/person")
This will associate the namespace prefix “person” with the actual XML namespace
Descriptive metadata can also be updated to amend values or change the document structure To update an existing metadata document call
client.update_metadata(entity, schema, xml_string)
For example the following python fragment appends a new element to an existing document.
folder = client.folder("723f6f27-c894-4ce0-8e58-4c15a526330e") # call into the API
for url, schema in folder.metadata.items():
if schema == "https://person.org/person":
xml_string = client.metadata(url) # call into the API
xml_document = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string)
postcode = ElementTree.Element('{https://person.org/person}Postcode')
postcode.text = "OX14 3YS"
xml_string = ElementTree.tostring(xml_document, encoding='UTF-8').decode("utf-8")
client.update_metadata(folder, schema, xml_string) # call into the API
Relationships Between Entities
Preservica allows arbitrary relationships between entities such as Assets and Folders. These relationships appear in the Preservica user interface as links from one entity to another. All entities have existing vertical parent child relationships which determine the level of description for an asset. These relationships are additional relationships which relate different entities across the repository.
For example relationships may be used to link different editions of the same work, or a translation of an existing document etc.
Any type of relationship is supported, for example The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative provide a set of standard relationships between entities, and these have been provided as part of the Relationship class, but any text string is allowed for the relationship type.
Relationships are created between two entities A and B and have a type, for example;
A isVersionOf B.
This is a relationship from A to B. You can also create links going in the other direction and have bi-directional links between the same assets. For example;
A isVersionOf B and B hasVersion A.
To create a relationship between entities use the add_relation
A_asset = client.asset("de1c32a3-bd9f-4843-a5f1-46df080f83d2")
B_asset = client.asset("683f9db7-ff81-4859-9c03-f68cfa5d9c3d")
client.add_relation(A_asset, Relationship.DCMI_isVersionOf, B_asset)
client.add_relation(B_asset, Relationship.DCMI_hasVersion, A_asset)
client.add_relation(A_asset, "Supersedes", B_asset)
The Relationship API is only available when connected to Preservica version 6.3.1 or above
You can list the relationships from an asset using:
for r in client.relationships(A_asset):
This returns a Generator of Relationship
To delete relationships between assets use:
This will delete all relationships FROM the specified entity to another entity, It does not delete relationships TO this entity.
If only need to delete a specific relationship, you can pass the relationship name as a second argument
client.delete_relationships(A_asset, "Supersedes")
Representations, Content Objects & Generations
Each Asset in Preservica contains one or more representations, such as Preservation or Access etc. All Assets have at least one Preservation representation which is created when the Asset is ingested.
To get a list of all the representations of an Asset use representations()
which returns a set of
objects for the Asset.
The Representation
contains the name and type and also contains a reference back to its parent Asset object.
Currently Preservica supports two representation types “Access” and “Preservation”, you can have as many representations of each type as you need. For example a book may need two “Access” representations one containing a single PDF document and another containing multiple JPEG images, one for each page etc.
for representation in client.representations(asset):
Each Representation will contain one or more Content Objects. Simple Assets contain a single Content Object per Representation whereas more complex objects such as 3D models, books, multi-page documents may have several content objects within each Representation.
Content Objects are similar to Assets and Folders, in that they can also contain descriptive metadata and identifiers etc.
The Content Objects within a Representation do have a natural order which is preserved within the Asset and therefore
are returned as a list
for content_object in client.content_objects(representation):
By default the title of a Content Object will probably be the name of the underlying computer file, but it does not have to be. You can explicitly set the title and description of each Content Object within an Asset. Preservica also supports adding external identifiers and descriptive metadata documents to Content Objects.
Each Content Object will contain a least one Generation, migrated content may have multiple Generations.
for generation in client.generations(content_object):
Each Generation has a list of BitStreams which can be used to fetch the actual content from the server or fetch technical metadata about the bitstream itself.
Technical information such as formats and properties can be accessed from the Generation
The format information is stored as dictionary object within a list as there may be multiple formats associated
with each object.
The key values for the format dictionary are: Valid, PUID, Priority, IdentificationMethod, FormatName, FormatVersion
for format in generation.formats:
for key,value in format.items():
print(key, value)
The technical properties of the file can be accessed via the properties attribute which is a list of dictionary objects. Each property is a single dictionary object with the following keys: PUID, PropertyName, Value
for property in generation.properties:
for key,value in property.items():
print(key, value)
Generations also contain a list of bitstreams, these contain information about the bitstreams such as file size and fixity etc.
for bitstream in generation.bitstreams:
for algorithm,value in bitstream.fixity.items():
print(algorithm, value)
If you have an Asset object and you would like to fetch all the available bitstreams you would use something like:
for representation in client.representations(asset):
for content_object in client.content_objects(representation):
for generation in client.generations(content_object):
for bitstream in generation.bitstreams:
If you only need the current or active Generations, then you can use the following short cut method which returns each Bitstream from all the Representations and Content Objects within the Asset.
for bitstream in client.bitstreams_for_asset(asset):
The actual content files can be downloaded to a disk file using bitstream_content()
This will download the bitstream to the file path given by the second argument, to save the object using the original file name use the following:
client.bitstream_content(bitstream, bitstream.filename)
To download all the access bitstreams to the current folder you would use.
for representation in client.representations(asset):
if representation.rep_type == "Access":
for content_object in client.content_objects(representation):
for generation in client.generations(content_object):
for bitstream in generation.bitstreams:
client.bitstream_content(bitstream, bitstream.filename)
The content files can be written to a byte array using bitstream_bytes()
returns a BytesIO object.
byte_array = client.bitstream_bytes(bitstream)
If you need to process bitstream content as it is downloaded from Preservica pyPreservica provides the following API.
for bitstream in client.bitstreams_for_asset(asset):
for chunk in client.bitstream_chunks(bitstream):
This function returns a Generator which allows the client to process parts of the file as its downloading.
The method also allows a second argument which defines the size of chunk returned.
chunk_size8k = 8*1024
for bitstream in client.bitstreams_for_asset(asset):
for chunk in client.bitstream_chunks(bitstream, chunk_size8k):
Since version Preservica 6.12 the API allows new Access representations to be added to an existing Asset. This allows organisations to migrate content outside of Preservica or add new access versions after the preservation versions have been ingested.
To add a new Access representation to an existing Asset call add_access_representation
and pass the Asset
and a new content file. The function returns a process id which can be used to track the status of the ingest.
The Preservica tenancy requires the post.new.representation.feature
flag to be set.
asset = client.asset("723f6f27-c894-4ce0-8e58-4c15a526330e")
pid = client.add_access_representation(asset, access_file="access.jpg")
Integrity Check History
You can request the history of all integrity checks which have been carried out on a bitstream
for bitstream in generation.bitstreams:
for check in client.integrity_checks(bitstream):
The list of returned checks includes both full and quick integrity checks.
This call does not start a new check, it only returns information about previous checks.
Moving Entities
We can move entities between folders using the move
client.move(entity, dest_folder)
Where entity is the object to move either an Asset or Folder and the second argument is destination folder where the entity is moved to.
Folders can be moved to the root of the repository by passing None as the second argument.
entity = client.move(folder, None)
The move()
call is an alias for move_sync()
which is a synchronous (blocking call)
entity = client.move_sync(entity, dest_folder)
An asynchronous (non-blocking) version is also available which returns a progress id.
pid = client.move_async(entity, dest_folder)
You can determine the completed status of the asynchronous move call by passing the
argument to get_async_progress
status = client.get_async_progress(pid)
Deleting Entities
You can initiate and approve a deletion request using the API.
Deletion is a two stage process within Preservica and requires two distinct sets of credentials. To use the delete functions you must be using the “credentials.properties” authentication method.
The Deletion API is only available when connected to Preservica version 6.2 or above
Add manager.username and manager.password to the credentials file.
Deleting an asset
asset_ref = client.delete_asset(asset, "operator comments", "supervisor comments")
Deleting a folder
folder_ref = client.delete_folder(folder, "operator comments", "supervisor comments")
This API call deletes entities within the repository, it both initiates and approves the deletion request and therefore must be used with care.
Finding Updated Entities
We can query Preservica for entities which have changed over the last n days using
for e in client.updated_entities(previous_days=30):
The argument is the number of previous days to check for changes. This call does paging internally.
Downloading Files
The pyPreservica library also provides a web service call which is part of the content API which allows downloading of digital content directly without having to request the Representations and Generations first. This call is a short-cut to request the Bitstream from the latest Generation of the first Content Object in the Access Representation of an Asset. If the asset does not have an Access Representation then the Preservation Representation is used.
For very simple assets which comprise a single digital file in a single Representation then this call will probably do what you expect.
asset = client.asset("edf403d0-04af-46b0-ab21-e7a620bfdedf")
filename = client.download(asset, "asset.jpg")
For complex multi-part assets which have been through preservation actions it may be better to use the data model
and the bitstream_content()
function to fetch the exact bitstream you need.
Events on Specific Entities
List actions performed against this entity
returns a iterator which contains events on an entity, either an asset or folder
asset = client.asset("edf403d0-04af-46b0-ab21-e7a620bfdedf")
for event in client.entity_events(asset)
Events Across Entities
List actions performed against all entities within the repository. The event is a dict()
object containing
the event attributes. This call is generator function which returns the events as needed.
for event in client.all_events():
Ingest Events
Return a generator of ingest events over the last n days
for ingest_event in client.all_ingest_events(previous_days=1):
Asset and Folder Thumbnail Images
You can now add and remove icons on Assets and Folders using the API. The icons will be displayed in the Explorer and Universal Access interfaces.
folder = client.folder("edf403d0-04af-46b0-ab21-e7a620bfdedf")
client.add_thumbnail(folder, "../my-icon.png")
and for assets
asset = client.asset("edf403d0-04af-46b0-ab21-e7a620bfdedf")
client.add_thumbnail(asset, "../my-icon.png")
We also have a function to fetch the thumbnail image for an asset or folder
asset = client.asset("edf403d0-04af-46b0-ab21-e7a620bfdedf")
filename = client.thumbnail(asset, "thumbnail.png")
You can specify the size of the thumbnail by passing a second argument
asset = client.asset("edf403d0-04af-46b0-ab21-e7a620bfdedf")
filename = client.thumbnail(asset, "thumbnail.png", Thumbnail.LARGE) ## 400×400 pixels
filename = client.thumbnail(asset, "thumbnail.png", Thumbnail.MEDIUM) ## 150×150 pixels
filename = client.thumbnail(asset, "thumbnail.png", Thumbnail.SMALL) ## 64×64 pixels
Replacing Content Objects
Preservica now supports replacing individual Content Objects within an Asset. The use case here is you have uploaded a large digitised object such as book and you subsequently discover that a page has been digitised incorrectly. You would like to replace a single page (Content Object) without having to delete and re-ingest the complete Asset.
The non-blocking (asynchronous) API call will replace the last active Generation of the Content Object
content_object = client.content_object('0f2997f7-728c-4e55-9f92-381ed1260d70')
file = "C:/book/page421.tiff"
pid = client.replace_generation_async(content_object, file)
This will return a process id which can be used to monitor the replacement workflow using
status = client.get_async_progress(pid)
By default the API will generate a new fixity value on the client using the same fixity algorithm as the original Generation you are replacing. If you want to use a different fixity algorithm or you want to use a pre-calculated or existing fixity value you can specify the algorithm and value.
content_object = client.content_object('0f2997f7-728c-4e55-9f92-381ed1260d70')
file = "C:/book/page421.tiff"
pid = client.replace_generation_async(content_object, file, fixity_algorithm='SHA1', fixity_value='2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12')
There is also an synchronous or blocking version which will wait for the replace workflow to complete before returning back to the caller.
content_object = client.content_object('0f2997f7-728c-4e55-9f92-381ed1260d70')
file = "C:/book/page421.tiff"
workflow_status = client.replace_generation_sync(content_object, file)
Export OPEX Package
pyPreservica allows clients to request a full package export from the system by folder or asset, this will start an export workflow and download the resulting dissemination package when the export workflow has completed.
The resulting package will be a zipped OPEX formatted package containing the digital content and metadata.
The export_opex
API is a blocking call which will wait for the export workflow to complete before downloading the package.
folder = client.folder('0f2997f7-728c-4e55-9f92-381ed1260d70')
opex_zip = client.export_opex(folder)
The output is the name of the downloaded zip file in the current working directory.
By default the OPEX package includes metadata, digital content with the latest active generations and the parent hierarchy.
The API can be called on either a folder or a single asset.
asset = client.asset('1f2129f7-728c-4e55-9f92-381ed1260d70')
opex_zip = client.export_opex(asset)
The call also takes the following optional arguments
“Content” or “NoContent”IncludeMetadata
“Metadata” or “NoMetadata” or “MetadataWithEvents”IncludedGenerations
“LatestActive” or “AllActive” or “All”IncludeParentHierarchy
“true” or “false”
folder = client.folder('0f2997f7-728c-4e55-9f92-381ed1260d70')
opex_zip = client.export_opex(folder, IncludeContent="Content", IncludeMetadata="MetadataWithEvents")