Metadata Groups and Forms API

The Metadata Groups API is designed allows the creation of custom metadata within NGI (New Generation Interface).

You can find Swagger UI for this API at

Listing Existing Groups

You can query the system for all metadata groups using the following

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()

for group in client.groups():

This returns a Generator of Group objects. The Groups returned do not include the individual metadata fields, just the Group ID, name, description and schema URI.

If you need the underlying JSON document rather than a Python Object, you can use:

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()

for g in client.groups_json()

this returns a list of dict object containing all groups.

Fetching a Metadata Group

If you need the full set of metadata fields belonging to the group then you need to fetch a full Group object using the group id:

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()

for group in client.groups():
    group: Group =
    for field in group.fields:

The Group object contains a list of metadata fields.

Deleting Groups

You can delete a group using its Group ID

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()


or via the namespace URI attached to the Group.

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()


Create a New Group

There are two options for creating a new group, either pass a well-formed JSON document describing the group or pass a list of GroupField objects.

If you have an existing JSON document you can create the new Group by passing the document as a string argument or as a dictionary JSON object:

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()

json_doc: str = """{
  "name" : "My Test Group",
  "description" : "A group setup to show an example of groups.",
  "fields" : [ {
    "id" : "issuing_country",
    "name" : "Issuing Country",
    "type" : "STRING",
    "defaultValue" : "American Samoa",
    "minOccurs" : 1,
    "maxOccurs" : 1,
    "values" : [ "Afghanistan", "Aland Islands", "Albania", "Algeria", "American Samoa" ],
    "indexed" : true



client = MetadataGroupsAPI()

json_dict: dict = {
    "name": "My Test Group",
    "description": "A group setup to show an example of groups.",
    "fields": [ {
        "id": "issuing_country",
        "name": "Issuing Country",
        "type": "STRING",
        "defaultValue": "American Samoa",
        "minOccurs": 1,
        "maxOccurs": 1,
        "values": ["Afghanistan", "Aland Islands", "Albania", "Algeria", "American Samoa"],
        "indexed": True


If you dont have a JSON document, you can create the group and the required metadata fields using Python Classes:

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()

group_fields = []

group_fields.append(GroupField(field_id="issuing_country", name="Issuing Country", field_type=GroupFieldType.STRING))
group_fields.append(GroupField(field_id="issue_date", name="Issue Date", field_type=GroupFieldType.DATE))

client.add_group(group_name="my group", description="my group description", fields=group_fields)

Adding new Fields

You can add new metadata fields to an existing Group using

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()

new_fields = []

new_fields.append(GroupField(field_id="issuing_country", name="Issuing Country", field_type=GroupFieldType.STRING))
new_fields.append(GroupField(field_id="issue_date", name="Issue Date", field_type=GroupFieldType.DATE))

client.add_fields(group_id="my group",  new_fields=new_fields)

The new fields are appended to the end of the group metadata.

Listing Forms

To fetch all the existing Forms as a dict object use the following

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()

for form in client.forms():

You can filter by a schema URI by passing it as the argument

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()

for form in client.forms(''):

Fetching a Form

Each Form has a unique string id, this id can be use to fetch an individual Form as a dictionary

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()

form = client.form('1ecf5df5184eab25702a667703e0d037'):

Create a new Form

To add a new Form use the `add_form` function. The function can accept either a string containing a json document or a Python dictionary object.

For example, to read a form metadata from a file use:

client = MetadataGroupsAPI()

with open("dcterms.json", 'rt', encoding="utf-8") as fd:
    d: dict = json.loads(str(